If you own PSX/PS2/GCN disks, is it better to play OG or emulate?

Board 8

you can use original ps1/ps2 discs with an emulator too.

not really an expert on the subject, but I think GCN emulation is considered to be pretty good, and PS1/2 emulation isn't perfect yet but probably passable and better than 64/saturn emulation.

I finished playing We <3 Katamari on an emulator with a ps4 controller, and it seemed a bit fiddly in recognizing the diagonal directions which was a bit of a problem for that game, but it's probably not as big a deal for rpgs. Also it might have worked a bit better if I fiddled around a bit more (since I assume it was just assigning keyboard keys to the control stick) but I'm not super technically inclined.
The only certain death in the universe is Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons.
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