SaveEstelle & LeonhartFour in New Houses: Rebirth Edition [SELF]

Board 8

I think I'm almost done with Chapter 2 of Rebirth. I'm just doing side content before I head to the Mythril Mines.

I enjoyed Kalm. It's got a nice small town feel to it, and I like that they're making the affection point system an important part of character interaction, even in battle. I'm always down for affection points. The Folio System feels like another Sphere Grid spinoff but simpler.

Chocobos are fun. I'm glad we get access to them early, especially now that we have a wide area to search for all the side content.

My favorite interaction so far:

Barret: Where have you two been?!

Aerith (grabbing Cloud's arm): On a date! Kind of.

Tifa: Wha...?

Aerith and Tifa's interactions are always great.