SaveEstelle & LeonhartFour in New Houses: Rebirth Edition [SELF]

Board 8

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Chapter 4 complete!

The Upper Junon stuff was indeed very good. I dominated the parade, naturally. And even more naturally, Yuffie gets in the way of our deal with Rufus (although Barret says we're better off not striking any sort of deal with Shinra, not even a "I won't bother you if you don't bother me" one). I do like Rufus's characterization so far, so I'll be curious to see where they take it from here.

I enjoyed the rematch with Roche. Wonder if cutting his motorcycle in half at the end was meant to be a callback to Advent Children's over the top action, which is befitting someone as over the top as Roche. Also, I had a random thought regarding the Seventh Infantry dudes that follow Cloud around at the end. They ask him, "Will we see you again?" and he answers, "Count on it," it made me wonder if they'll be the Shinra dudes on the submarine later on. I don't know if they intended for that exchange to be foreshadowing, but I'm maybe taking it that way...!

Anyway, now we're on the cargo ship, and it seems the first order of business is a Queen's Blood tournament!