A Backlog and Trophy Hunting Journal

Board 8

3/5 Progress
Nick All Star Brawl 2: Only 14 nick arcade brawl 2 endings left for the plat. I got thru Jimmy Neutron barely. Holy pizza this guy sucks. He has a bat swing smash that barely ever connects, you basically have to up and down smash and pray to get enough damage to launch your opponent. Lucy Loud and Angry Beavers were so much easier. Both characters have a lot of attack power, recovery, and are not stuck in long windups

Dodgeball Academia: Installed this again and started the first episode. I really like the game it feels like a love letter to Camelots mario sports and Super Dodge Ball games in a nice blend. I hope it stays good?

Dragonball Xenoverse: With owning both these games and knowing I need to essentially replay 1 inside 2 I told myself maybe its time to start chipping away at this slowly. Boy is it dumb but its fine.

This is my last work day for the week so I'll either rev up more nick all star brawl 2 today, start neo world ends with you, or attack tchias 100% push.
Switch: 0675-3724-0313