A Backlog and Trophy Hunting Journal

Board 8

Neo World Ends With You
If I wasn't invested in this franchise already I'd have likely bailed until a much later date. The battles are fun, the systems are intriguing, the music is decent but the story and characters are just so freaking vague. Its an entire cast of vague characters and its pretty frustrating. In the first game Nekus biggest mystery was involving stuff about him out of knowledge or control Shiki had a big lie but otherwise she was very open about who she was. Beat and Rhyme were also pretty forthcoming on who they were. Yet in this game the most not vague character is one of the bad guys from the first game hanging around. Thats....really bad writing lol.

Nick All Star Brawl 2
Platinum #273
I finished my remaining 13 runs ending with Garfield. Wasn't aware the plat was named after him and even funnier the game froze here. Nick All Star Brawl 2 is a pretty good game but boy that campaign sucks.
Switch: 0675-3724-0313