Board 8

Yeah I was going to say, sorry Nomura but you're the connecting throughline between wacky KH shit and wacky FF shit so you're going to get tarred with this brush.

I was predicting before Rebirth and I'm 1000% expecting in the 3rd game (....spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 sorry but I have to put a spoiler warning here) we get the everyone "resurrected" (merged from other FF7 world), everyone lives happily ever after ending. They did pull off bringing everyone back pretty masterfully in KH3 and there's prime opportunity here w/ Aerith, Zack and Avalanche crew as counterparts to the 358/2 and BBS returnees.

Or maybe that's my own hopefulness/bias seeping in here, lol... third time's the charm on getting a good game ending (vs. Kingdom Hearts which had really satisfying final boss and ending sequences in all three mainline titles???)