Unicorn Overlord discussion zone

Board 8

Yeah, I usually had my two "main squads" that were unbeatable and 3-5 support squads. The way you have to update squads from 3 to 4 characters then eventually 4-5 one squad at a time by default means that some of your squads are just better than the others for significant portion of the game.

So I pretty much had my Alain and Berengaria squads as hard carries that could solve basically any issue, but it felt cheesy to use them all the time and hog all the exp so I'd try and go out of my way to use my other squads more. Virginia's squad, Ochlys's flying squad, the cavalry squad, Yunifi's all archers squad, Bruno's failure squad, and Travis's dodge squad. I always had a couple unfilled squads. By Albion I had 2 great squads and 6 okay squads.

Now that I'm about to head into the final battles in the middle of Cornia I went ahead and built out my last two squads for funsies, but it's only because farming money and exp was super easy with the last sigil. Gave Scarlett her own squad with two wizards to do big magic damage, and I'm trying out a Gloucester unit. So I'm finally up to 10 units but its absolutely overkill on Expert
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG