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That would take an absurd amount of time lol. 1 rank battle is worth like 20 Auxillary battles one you enter the next tier after the first chunk.

I had to unlock Amalia then and there because rearranging for arena was driving me mad.

I'm going to do one more full reset once I hit 35 with everyone and every ability it unlocked.

Really glad 35 is the highest skill for any class even though the cap is 50.
I realized I forgot to go in and add new accessories for everyone I promoted, so after that and doing a couple more missions, I went back and got up to Rank 15. Fuck that shaman, lol.

Finally cleared all the non-endgame Cornia battles, and now it's time to do the first Elheim mission (and will start going back and forth between there and Drakenhold).

I ran out of unique characters to station at towns, so I guess I'll be hiring some mercs.
Change is weird.
OK wait, I don't have one yet but are Bears big Hoplites that can use hammers??


I'm looking forward to seeing the viability of both a full beast team exclusively for night use and a full angel team exclusively for day use.
Game beated.

Clocked in at about 29 hours.

Pretty dece game. Wasn't really wow'd by anything, either gameplay wise or story wise. Would probably sit at like a 7/10 for me.

I wasn't engaged enough with the gameplay or characters to do anything other than use my one Werewolf lead unit, turn day into night, and pop a light feather and then beat every map in about 5-10 seconds gameplay time.

Got 29 hours in at least so decently worth my money I'd say.
What a blitz! I'm at 60 hours and not near the end lol.

I did listen to all the story and character dialogs! But every map did go rather quickly due to my wolf zoomies strat. I was playing on tactician, or whatever the one just below expert was.
I'm at 39 hours. I do wish they'd snuck a bestial character in early, like they did with the angel. As the center, Cornia should have a sampling of every other country.
Change is weird.
If they ever add a NG+, expanding the recruitable custom units to include more classes early like that could be a good feature.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
If they ever add a NG+, expanding the recruitable custom units to include more classes early like that could be a good feature.
That'd be cool
All posters and events depicted in this post are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or posters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Mercenary Recruitment is on my list of minor greivances to talk about once a I'm done, I assure you. There is nothing in this game I don't like, but there are couple little things that bother me, mostly QoL stuff.

They've had 3 patches and every single one has been for Collesseum online play lol.

I haven't interacted with that yet, but the banning of red and blue pendants is definitely a VERY interesting requirement for submitting teams for it.
"Man why wouldn't you just do the map that gives you both characters, it can't be that hard".

*Sees the map*

Man I keep learning stuff I feel like I already should have known!

Like how the faster all your units are in average the faster you move on the field, which is why my 4 cav team is a lightning bolt.

Or how the more magic user/archers you have on the team, the stronger magic/arrow support is.

maybe this is vanity, but here are all my size 4 units, before i start bumping them up to 5

i need more ideas so if any of you want to do this it will make me happy

Alain / Celeste / Berenice / Chloe
Virginia / Travis / Aramis / Gilbert (not really working)
Gloucester / Magellan / Aubin / Liza
Lex / Fran / Kitra / Yahna (this is OP)
Berengaria / Leah / Bruno / Sharon
Clive / Monica / Adel / Scarlett (OP, too fast, stomps everything)
Miriam / Selvie / Rosalinde / Auch
Hilda / Melisandre / Rolf / Lhinalagos
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
I'm going to enter my endgame strip and build soon since my units are all hitting 30, so I'll see if anything stands out.

It's not as simple as just a character list because builds and tactics matter more than anything lol. Makes it hard to just blanket recommend. If anything ends up being particularly absurd I'll just post all 5 character sheets in the formation.

I will say that I'm pretty sure Gilbert needs to be on a team where he has the highest initiative.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
It's not as simple as just a character list because builds and tactics matter more than anything lol. Makes it hard to just blanket recommend. If anything ends up being particularly absurd I'll just post all 5 character sheets in the formation.
i guess? i dunno, i'm not very interested in blanket recommendations

i just assume that if i saw a list of characters (or just classes) in a unit, it'd be a good enough signal that there are reasonable combinations of builds/tactics to make it work

i feel like builds are mostly like "who wants AP/PP?", then "are any special equipments good here", then "can we make these guys not get walled/murdered by X", then tweak as you go

and tactics are like "make sure the combos i want happen", then "do normal reasonable not-dumb things", then tweak as you go

if someone lists four or five units and i'm like "that seems nonsensical," that just means i can fiddle with it and learn something

unless it only works with one specific item i don't have yet or when they hit 25 or 30 or whatever. then i guess it's not good enough. my people were in the late teens and early 20s!
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
I ran basically one team through the whole game on tactical.

Govil (Lead) / Alain / Scarlett / ShamanGirl / Gilbert

Alain protects Govil. Scarlett heals sometimes or does magic damage if everyone has MEGA ARMOR. Shaman Girl debuffs enemy team, Gilbert buffs us. Gilbert and Shaman Girl both have the hoods that grant AP to a user for them to attack again for 4PP. Both of them are set to buff Govil. Govil's whole thing is to buff himself with his own abilities and will give himself AP and 50% Phys Atk Buff if he gets kills with it and then one shot whole lines with Wild Fang. It's difficult to align everything properly in a way where he'll buff himself and then go crazy with AOE but I got it working well enough. Only suffers against teams with HUGE armor and protecting, but then Scarlett + debuffs usually take care of things then.
Another discovery.

There can only be one "Start of the battle" ability on a team.

If one procs the other won't.
yes, this applies to every skill that says (limited)
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
So many obvious things I missed lol.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
Another discovery.

There can only be one "Start of the battle" ability on a team.

If one procs the other won't.

Yeaaaah, I found this out when my thing to proc Sandstorm immediately wasn't triggering and then I got sad.
Accidentally found the view all shops and assigned guards menu.

Well there's some of my bigger complaints dusted.
Virginia's Maiden's Hammer just doesn't work and I don't know why. It has never once activated in my playthrough.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
Virginia's Maiden's Hammer just doesn't work and I don't know why. It has never once activated in my playthrough.

I see it pretty often. I have no conditions on it, I have her in the front row, and she doesn't have any other "activate after being attacked by an active skill" that might interfere. Maybe it doesn't work if another teammate has an "activate after ally is attacked" skill with a higher initiative than Virginia?
Change is weird.
There seems to be some kind of bug where you can make yourself lose assists by swapping units before battle, possibly caused by using an item. My original battle forecast had me able to choose between three different heal assists. I used a healing potion, and the RNG re-rolled to show me surviving with bonus HP. Then I swapped to another unit to compare, and doing that caused all assists disappear, and they stayed gone even after swapping back. That and for some reason the RNG re-rolled again and now I'm taking a lot of damage with no healing. >:|
Change is weird.
I haven't encountered any bugs but if something were gonna break I'm not surprised it's that, lol.

I did figure out the Virginia thing. I had Berenice follow up slashing and only one passive follow up can trigger at a time. Fixed it by by setting Berenice to only follow up if someone in the back row is attacked, so it would never trigger off of Virginia.
As a follow up, using a second item (I decided to try buffing my defense) caused the assists to come back, meaning I wasted the item.

Just did the Celeste mission in Elheim, and surprise it's the Black Talon boys I spared. I guess Alain really is an inspiration, because Gammel is secretly a good person at heart. Also I can't believe it took this long to get a second scout. And now I'm swimming in archers.

I've casually been re-trying the Colosseum every few missions, and I'm worked my way up to rank 7. Now stopped by some initiative spamming gryphon knights. I just bought the Angel Plume from the church, so maybe that'll get me past that fight.

Still not putting a lot of effort into reworking teams for each fight, but I've done a little tinkering within a specific unit if I think it'll help. There was one fight that was basically all RNG, and I kept tinkering with accessories and tactics to get in the right heals and immunities, and finally it was just a matter of re-doing it until enough 54% crits and 35-40% hits landed, lol.

Anyway, time to go save the Drakenhold castle or something.
Change is weird.
I'm very curious to see how that mission plays out depending on what mixed choices you made earlier.

You won't stop swimming in archers because the game has 5 completely separate archer classes.

Archer - balanced physical
Shield - defensive physical
Elven - magic with healing
Snow - AoE Mixed
Angel - Defensive magical and debuffs
I'm nearing 50 hours and I can't believe there's still so much world left. I've got a few more missions left in Drakenhold, I've only done about 5-6 missions in Elheim, and then there's two entire countries left untouched, plus like 5 more endgame fights in Cornia. My goodness.
Change is weird.
I'm 1 mission into Albion, endgame should be after than. Should finish up this weekend I assume, Monday at the latest. Currently around 65 hours or so.
Celeste mission, different outcome I had imprisoned Gammel and let Ochlys kill the archer guy. Celeste ended up letting Gammel go free again to help his sister (I dont remember if I had a choice) and he didnt join the Resistance or whatever. Which is fine, one rogue is enough, and he does not seem like a good person
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
Oh, doing the level 17 mission for the castle clears away the level 18 mission at the other gate. That's unfortunate, even though I understand why now that I can see the whole area.

So if you want to make sure you do every battle, do the level 18 one first!
Change is weird.
I am pretty sure they both clear out each other, the back one is harder enemies by adds a second base to the map.
Change is weird.
A Rank actually came pretty fast.

One unit upgraded, but still got four more characters that need to be placed, so it's time to start grinding auxiliary battles. I still have 19 unpromoteds too. D:
Change is weird.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
I am pretty sure they both clear out each other, the back one is harder enemies but adds a second base to the map.
the level 17 one is the actual level right? i'm pretty sure it doesn't get cancelled out (doing the 18 one is just a filler mission in front of the gates) but yeah doing the level 18 one first does seem to give you harder enemies to fight on top of giving you that other base to start from (honestly though the top base is way better for rushing it anyway, you can just stealth rush your way up with fliers lol), and honestly i'm not sure yet if it was actually the doing the level 18 level first that spawned more enemies or if it was just one of those alternating enemy formation deals like what you see in the grind locations and it was just bad rng to get it on the second pass
That grind wasn't too bad, and I got the fifth unit upgrade by doing deliveries instead.

I don't feel confident in some of these changes I've made by adding fifth characters, but we'll see.

Side note but I keep wanting to refer to individual characters as units, so it's annoying that that's the term for the squads instead.
Change is weird.
they absolutely should have been named squads
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
So what's the deal with Rapport

I find the conversations to be pretty generic so I don't care for them too much. Do they actually give bonuses when viewing them or does just getting the meter filled up?

What's the deal with giving gifts? it seems to be *specifically* to gain rapport for Alain and the person. I know he can marry someone but why is that whole mechanic based around just his rapport?
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
I havent maxed out rapport for anyone, but some conversations Ive liked, off the top of my head

Adel + Celeste
Virginia + Aramis
Alain + Josef
Etoilinde + Lhinalagos

but yeah a lot are forgettable

I wish theyd patch in more

this game would be so great with mods
Pronouns - she/her
FFXIV - Ultros [Primal] - https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/39263879/
Cool cool cool

Also anybody have a good solution for dealing with Cavalry units. Now that I'm pushing into Elheim I keep seeing these units with promoted cavalry in the front and they FUCK MY SHIT UP. It's like a suicide pact for whatever unit I send in to try and take out as many of the knights as they can before they die. I understand flyers can deal big damage to the cavalry but I dunno how to stop them from killing somebody.

I also don't really get how initiative works. I've tried tinkering with initiative items to get characters to go first by having a higher amount than enemies but it doesn't always seem to work. It seems to be more than just "who has the highest initiative goes".
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
Initiative is really just speed as far as I can tell, maybe you're just seeing passive skills go off? More thingsbstart hitting the game to mess with initiative at this point too.

Hoplites and other units that can guard themselves and other units are going to be the best for defending against cavalry, as well as having high evasion scout units.
I am most of the way through Albion and boy please don't be teasing me with whether this character is going to join or not.
Have to stop for tonight, but saved in front of the final battle. I have completed all content in the game that can be done before it, as far as I can tell. I'm not sure if unlocking every entrance to the fight does anything, but I did it just in case.
Just now learning the accessory that gives Ice Conferral has been available since forever ago ( inspect Yahna's tower next to the southwest town in the swamp ). This should be a game changer for the Colosseum, lol.
Change is weird.
Competed, Platinum, 100%

Uh, yeah, they definitely need to have some type of post game content besides that one mission, giving you 9 new units during the final and epilogue fight, Jesus.

Utterly fantastic game. Beautiful, fantasy music and VA work as well as a solid script, good characters, and totally serviceable story. The narrative could have had more going on, but nothing here is bad. Considering I spent at least 15 hours of my final 85 hour playtime working my formations, I think it's safe to say I was. A huge fan of the gameplay.

A few issues. Obviously the game needs a New Game+. Considering the game specifically gives you a clear file save, I have little doubt they will eventually, especially with the post launch support Dragon's Crown got.

Menu management became a nightmare by the end. Might be the worst amount of item bloat imaginable, lol. You can favorite items...but there's not much reason to considering how much builds and gear can shake up constantly, but you CAN'T favorite characters, which would actually be an enormous help when rebuilding your army.

As said before, lots of unit types that are locked until too far into the game. I get why it's like that the first time, but when/if they add a NG+ that should be something that unlocks, freeform recruitment.

Last, wish there was a city management menu to shop from all shops and move around your gaurds. They let you see that stuff in the menu but not manage it. That's probably the lowest priority thing, though.

But, yeah, incredible experience. I am so, so happy this game exists.

Maybe time to finally go play Tactics Ogre Reborn.
Oh, also, I played on whatever the normal difficulty is called so I could safely use all unique units without having to maximize every team comp for harder difficulties. Whenever I do replay, which will be a while since I'll be holding out for NG+ news, I'll definitely go max difficulty and HYPER team comp maximizing.

Even this playthrough, I just happened to build a team that just had 2 strong archers in it (Yunufi is a completely busted characters), and the arrows assist was so strong.
Of course they put this together the day I finish.

Strongly regretting not getting the Monarch Edition. If only I had had more confidence!

If the Switch version of it is ever in stock again I will man it. I want that card game.
Finally pushed through and recruited Amalia. That feeling of despair when I beat her squad after so many attempts and then that happened. Though it turned out that fight was much simpler after I quickly realized I just needed to drain her PP and then dodge her column attack.

I feel pretty good about doing it with level 20-21 units, though.

My team was Travis and Miriam in the front, with Yahna, Gilbert, and Rolf in the back. Travis guard sealed the front row (I'm not sure that ended up mattering), then Rolf froze them with Yahna's Ice Conferral, killing the wyvern in the process. Miriam killed the archer with Magik Attack, and Yahna 2-shotted Amalia with her ice spell. There was absolutely luck, because Rolf needed to dodge the mage's attacks to ensure I had enough people standing. Ended up 2 left on each side, and I guess I had more health or better status or whatever determines the tie breaker. Gilbert was mostly just there to counter the initiative drop at the beginning, but his attack boost maybe mattered for Rolf?

Then for the second part, upon realizing I needed to drain PP, I swapped Yahna out for Chloe (just because she happened to have that spear with the -PP attack) and Rolf for Selvie. Then upon realizing I needed a good dodge column, I swapped Gilbert for Ochlys.

...now I gotta fix my shit and hope I remember who had what and how their skills were set up. @_@
Change is weird.
You can literally beat that that final fight with a single level 1 Thief with enough PP lol. Just have to do a single point of damage.

And yeah I NEVER took advantage of saving loadouts which was a huge mistake. I always forgot to think about it until after I'd already stated stripping my characters.
Board 8 » Unicorn Overlord discussion zone
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