What four games are on the Mario Games Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

it might be Mario Party -- huge series of its own, plus other party games like Fusion Frenzy and Fall Guys fit this vein from after the original Party-trilogy. Did these kinds of multiplayer minigame-collections exist much before 1999? Even other Nintendo variations like Remix and WarioWare.

This is actually a really good question and I have no answer to it. Mario Party 1 might honestly be the game that proved 'hey, minigames!' was a real gaming genre. If so, it would be the really obvious inclusion for the fourth slot, but I'm not sure the genre wasn't established before it. Likewise, SMRPG is credited as 'the first RPG that actually sold in the west' but the existence of Final Fantasy 4 (and 1, even) makes me wonder if that was actually true. Mario history is gaming history to such a degree that I would kill for a gaming historian's takes on this, actually.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.