Fitness/Exercise/Health topic 2

Board 8

iiaattgg posted...
dont take this the wrong way, but your deadlift always surprises me considering it in comparison with your other lifts. Why do you think the stuff like your bench and squats seem to be higher in terms of proportion?

Nothing wrong here, I've wondered the same thing. Like I've mentioned my PR is 450, from like 6 years ago.

If I had to guess it mostly stems from my previous hip and lower back injuries. I just don't have the same pulling power for that specific motion. For whatever reason, when I got back into lifting two years ago which is when I started this back up(this thing on GFAQS) my deadlift was just stuck in the low 300's and never got anywhere near the same rate of progress of my squat and bench, I really only started getting my strength back on it around the start of this bulk.

Moving forward with my bench and squat I 100% expect that to slow down a tad bit since I'm getting close to weights I've never hit before so the whole muscle memory advantage goes away, and while today there was no PR's on it, that was mostly fatigue. I'll probably take my next off day the day before I do deadlifts again. I expect to to make some ground on the other two lifts.