Fitness/Exercise/Health topic 2

Board 8

Is your hip thrust a machine, or is it a bar? I mean either way that's some insane shit lol.

I definitely felt fatigued today. Could tell in my plyometrics warmups that I did not have the full strength quads going. Still hit all my sets on squats, no PR tho. Fucking died on the 365 attempt, couldn't even control the negative, and as the day went on I felt pretty good on everything else. Feels nice to crank out 225x10 deadlifts and feel like I could keep going for more, especially at the end of the workout. Sucks that my strength refuses to go up on it considering that it feels easy on anything under 315. My form feels better than ever.

Gonna do some bench tomorrow. Looking at a 235x5, 250x3, 275x1. I've hit all those before except the 250x3. Don't think I've ever hit three reps on it. Either way I feel pretty good about my upper body, gonna rest the following day and hopefully kill deadlifts on Thursday.

Depending on how the rest of the lifts go on this week. I'll see how fatigued I am or if things start becoming a struggle, might need to take a couple days off instead of one, or just deload after this workout week.