Fitness/Exercise/Health topic 2

Board 8

Yeah, my bench is nuts. Especially considering I'm not doing nearly as much chest work as I used to do. My flat bench day is actually more focused on triceps more than my actual chest, my incline chest day is definitely more chest focused tho.

Out of my 8 workout days, I only have 4 sets dedicated to flat bench. The three I do tomorrow, and the one max rep I do at the end of my incline work. I did focus a lot of energy on bench press earlier in my lifting days, nowadays it's more about my legs and back. I've actually thrown out dumbell flat press completely in favor of rotator cuff strengthening. Which I think it partially the reason my bench press is going nuts. I don't have any shoulder pain/hinge pain any more at all, and my rotator cuff is starting to be able to handle a lot of weight stress.