Rank the Albums 6 - THE RESULTS!

Board 8

My expected finishing positions

  1. Black Holes and Revelations
  2. The Suburbs
  3. Siamese Dream
  4. Automatic for the People
  5. Illinois
  6. That! Feels Good!
  7. Born in the U.S.A.
  8. Franz Ferdinand
  9. Disintegration
  10. Follow Slowly
I expect to be horribly wrong because I had Art Angels dropping around here in the last cycle and it won the whole thing (and Queen winning, but they dropped shockingly early). The only ones I don't think have any shot are Follow Slowly (which is probably next?) and Franz Ferdinand. The rest of the bottom six are probably too divisive so I'm inclined to guess it'll be one of the top four. They've got pretty sizeable leads over fifth.
Perhaps the golden rock was inside us all along.