Rank the Albums 6 - THE RESULTS!

Board 8

Expected Muse to be the overall winner and am pleasantly surprised it's not. Now I'm guessing Smashing Pumpkins?

Very happy to see Illinois reach the top 4. I wanted to nominate my favorite album of last year once everything was said and done but that ended up being Sufjan Stevens' Javelin and I was afraid people didn't click with Illinois. The other two Sufjan albums we should probably cover at some point are at least only half the length of Illinois (if dealing with much heavier topics)

Also, damn, we really need to cover Funeral if The Suburbs did so well
My top 100 games (with write-ups): https://foolfantastic.com/top-100-video-games-project/
Top 250 songs: https://foolfantastic.com/3290-2/