Playing Hades, quick strategy-question.

Board 8

There's basically three endpoints for players to feel satisfied and hop off the game at

Endpoint 1 - Beat Hades and escape the underworld. This will take a decent amount of playing but a regular player can just do this and walk away thinking they had a good time with the game

Endpoint 2 - Beat Hades 10 more times and progress the story to bring mom home. <--- You are here. this is for people who enjoy the gameplay loop to keep going for away but not endlessly.

Endpoint 3 - Facilitate a reunion of the gods by becoming friends with them all <--- this is for people are are so enamored with the game that replaying it over and over is just a fun thing to do.

I loved this game a lot but I didn't make it to endpoint 3. It's really not meant to be something you feel like you have to do, just something neat to work towards as you enjoy the gameplay. They really did weave the plot and characters into the gameplay seamlessly in every way.
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