Oh boy, let's see how that release of Star Wars Battlefront Classic is doing.

Board 8

Underleveled posted...
What the heck is happening? Are these companies hiring literal chimpanzees to run their QA departments?
100% this not QA's fault. Some executives figured that they could a lot of easy money reselling old beloved video games to fans, and thinking they could keep costs low because it's a game that was already made and assuming using AI tools to make it look better requires no effort at all. Then when all the standard bugs and complications crop up the dev teams tell them they need more time and money to fix it but that wasn't in the cards because the higher ups had made promises that this would be a cheap and easy project and won't change the budget. So they put their foot down while the dev team does what they can (that is, very little) and force out something that pleases no one.

I guarantee some people got a very big bonus for releasing this on time and on budget. The fact that it's a piece of garbage doesn't matter. Especially if the sales from the nostalgia base and Star Wars fans pan out anyway.
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan