Next time LMS makes a topic

Board 8

XIII_Rocks posted...
Or maybe people should stop telling him to shut up? It is clearly not actually going to make him shut up. It hasn't until now. Making those posts is not some selfless thing about helping LMS, it's a selfish release of frustration.

I'd say when it's multiple people repeatedly attacking a single guy who hasn't actually made any personal attacks themselves, bullying is a fair assessment. Even when they have , it could be considered that (see ertyu).
No, the selfless thing was when people went out of their way, many times, to get him to understand that it's not healthy to keep following those weirdo grifters and that he should try to come up with opinions on his own and that he shouldn't shoehorn these thoughts from right wing phonies into every conversation.

The telling him to shut up after came from him refusing to listen. It should really be so incredibly easy for him to say "Alright, I guess these folks don't want to hear with the Quartering has to say about Brie Larsen today, so I'll just not bring it up." And yet he continually does. People could not be more clear to him. At some point, people like that should be told to shut up because they clearly aren't getting it.

"But if you tell him to shut up, he still won't get it." Then in that case who cares. But we don't need people pearl clutching for LMS of all people when he's brought the way he's treated her entirely on himself.
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