What's the best eports game to watch?

Board 8

I love watching Dota, but a lot of that is because I have an overall grasp on most of the weird interactions exist in the game from decades of practice at this point. Warcraft 3 is similarly neat to watch at this point, but I could never get into Starcraft.

From a fighting game perspective I like watching those I have played before myself - Smash, Street Fighter 4/5/6, Samsho, UMvC3, Soul Calibur. Not a fan of Arcsys stuff though, and am less a fan of Smash Melee at this point because of my sheer jealousy and inability to do the mechanical bullshit in that game. (I similarly get tilted trying to determine what the fuck happened when a Steve goes ape in Ultimate)
[Rock and Stone] <o/