What's the best eports game to watch?

Board 8

#1 is Starcraft 1 and it's not even a little bit close. Partly because the game might legitimately be the best esport of all time, but also because it has the best casters with like, decades of synergy together and they know how to make even a total newbie grasp how the game functions.

#2 onwards is trickier. I kinda wanna say either Marvel 2 or a King of Fighters entry? Both are absolute hype machines and always get massive reactions from any crowd, and they're on exact opposite ends of the 'wtf is going on' spectrum -- Marvel 2 is such a mad scramble that the sheer insanity takes over, KoF is so clear about what's going on that you can track it easily even if you don't know a single thing about it.
Shine on, you crazy diamond.