Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Goodbyes (1-4)

Board 8

the thing about Misty Fey being disgraced makes NO sense

I'm curious if anyone has ever come up with an explanation for how this plot point makes sense, because I want to force my head-canon of it to make sense so that I can stop being annoyed by how dumb it is every time I replay the game

We are told that she became a laughingstock and got the police accused of fraud because she "got the killer wrong", even though the courts did agree they were the killer and only got off due to insanity plea or whatever. My best attempt at this is to say, well, since the trial was top secret, maybe the public never knew about the insanity thing, they only knew the Not Guilty verdict...? But that doesn't make much sense.

Nevermind that Grossberg tells us in 1-2 that "the case is still unsolved to this day". ??????????? I don't see how there can be any excuse for that one.