B8 NSO Crew Plays Every NSO Game - Part 3

Board 8

Game #30 and 31 - Dr. Mario (Nintendo, 1990)

Final time: 7:13

So I didn't realize that the NES version of this game was also on NSO, and I mostly played the Gameboy one. I'm counting it as done for both, especially since this is technically a high score game. That being said, I enjoyed it well enough that I wanted to try and beat level 20, which I eventually did accomplish. Not in one hit from level 1-20, but I just started on level 20. Maybe I'll go for a high score run on the NES version. I wish I played that one instead cause the colors are better than black, white, and pixelated!

Anyway, like I said I found it fairly enjoyable. Similar tier to Magical Drop and Tetris.

Gameboy games beaten: 4/21
Total games beaten: 32/246

MZero , to the extreme