Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: A Dream of Spring

Board 8

eupho vote but honestly also need to finish the movies (and also the spinoff things for tensura and konosuba)

outside of sequels i think i'm going to check out that train girl anime at the start of the season, the spice and wolf reboot, the bartender reboot, that band anime, that racing anime, the golf anime, the crow guy show, the hitman guy anime (not sure if there's any hope of me sticking with it for more than 1 cour but eh), the doga kobo drama, the youkai slice of life show, the sentai show, the cycling one (very low expectations though), the manhwa adaptation since one of my flatmates has read it, the kaiju series that... seems oddly venom-esque, and the yuri anime

oh and sand land too if that counts (i mean it already started so shrug)

oh also also SHIN YARANAIKA