Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: A Dream of Spring

Board 8

The Spring 2024 anime season has begun! I watched the first episode of Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included. I appreciated how it very, very quickly made it clear exactly what kind of show it would be. Within the first five minutes, main dude discovered a sleeping angel, spilled a bunch of sticky white stuff on her it was milk but still and then there were a bunch of bra and panty shots while she got cleaned up. This is going to be a fanservice harem show, 100%.

You know what though, I don't mind that every so often. It looks like it'll be the cute kind of harem rather than the dramatic kind or the creepy kind. The angel girl is fine so far, but based off the other girls shown in the OP at the end, she's probably going to wind up being my least favorite girl. Can't wait to meet the shy blue-haired one. Main dude also won points from me right away when, after running across a cat on the street, he first held his hand out and let the cat smell him. That's how you greet an unfamiliar cat! You don't just jump right into patting them, that would scare them away. Whoever wrote this understands cats and I respect that.

Decent start to the season.