Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: A Dream of Spring

Board 8

UltimaterializerX posted...
Oh wow. Thanks LTM. I enjoy your topics a lot, and it's nice to actually speak to you again.

I don't know what a titanfolk is. This topic is pretty much my entire connection to anime fans.
Titanfolk is an offshoot of r/freefolk which started as a sub to make fun of Game of Thrones and eventually a full on hate sub for the ending. It's primarily a series of subs dedicated to raging at controversial shows. Titanfolk started their own "rumbling" towards the last 2 chapters of the manga as they leaked and they this hate wave has basically been reverberating throughout all of reddit. Avoid r/titanfolk and r/jujutsufolk if you don't want anime to be ruined lol.
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