Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: A Dream of Spring

Board 8

Brave Bang Bravern! beated. Pretty good show, nearly ruined by having an awful protagonist. Isami truly was garbage to the end. Thankfully, Smith, Lulu, and Bravern himself are all great. It's pretty funny from start to finish, and while the serious parts generally aren't as good, some of them still hit later on. Lots of mediocre CG too, but a pretty good show overall.

Also watched Apothecary Diaries . This was pretty good, and Maomao is an awesome protagonist, though the rest of the cast isn't great. The mysteries are fun, and it's always cool to see her solve them. I did think the first half was quite a bit better than the second though, with less contrivances and a better supporting cast in the concubines. The animation was pretty fantastic too.

Gushing Over Magical Girls was fun from start to finish. The fan service was creative, and having the actual yuri episode was an amazing treat. The cast was pretty likable all around, and I liked how they felt like friends. Having two angry girls was great. Flight animation was nothing special, but it didn't really detract. Azure was my favorite. Utena was a bit unlikable sometimes but I think her hypocrisy was intentional.

Dangers in My Heart S2 was mostly an improvement over s1, though the slow pacing of the last 3 episodes disappointed. Animation and direction are great, humor is on point, situations are creative, and romance is heartfelt. The family members are all so damn good. Best romance in years.

Winter Rankingz:
  1. Frieren
  2. Dangers in My Heart S2
  3. Gushing Over Magical Girls
  4. Brave Bang Bravern!
  5. 'Tis Time for Torture, Princess
  6. Mr. Villain's Day Off
  7. Apothecary Diaries
  8. 7th Time Loop
  9. The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
  10. Pon no Michi
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