Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: A Dream of Spring

Board 8

Reg posted...
I would have to do so much fucking research for a time-bound manga list lmao
Yeah that's why I'm not gonna make a proper Top 10 lol. Literally don't have the time for it.

UshiromiyaEva posted...
There's been a lot of overlap with my list in this topic so far, but I'm pretty upset that I seem to be totally alone on Sound Euphonium, it's such a masterpiece. Do people actually disagree or is it just lower viewership here than I realize?
Haven't seen it but have heard of it. Based on a quick google search, it's two genres I personally don't generally enjoy: music + cute girls doing cute things. Just not my wheelhouse. I think the only show like that I've watched is Bocchi and I had to be dragged into that by a two-month onslaught of memes.
It's Reyn Time.