Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: The Oxford Dictionary defines Isekai...

Board 8

Board 8 » Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: The Oxford Dictionary defines Isekai...

Neither the link header nor the embedded image are Isekai, IGN.
UshiromiyaEva posted...

Neither the link header nor the inbeded image are Isekai, IGN.


It's Reyn Time.
Whose definition, IGN?

I literally write isekai for a living and that bit still made me irrationally upset
It's Reyn Time.
SHINE_GET_64 3/29/2024 11:30:59 AM#19
Remake JJK but with Kuwabara
hold up

Robazoid hasn't seen Clannad ????
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
I am so far gone from when I used to hate on Clannad. Maybe one day I'll actually give it a try.

I just wish it didn't look like....that.
I just want to say that I disagree with this topic split and will protest by refusing to take sides. As annoying as it'll be for everyone to have identical posts in two topics, I'm going to post my thoughts in both of them whenever I finish something.

CoolCly posted...
hold up

Robazoid hasn't seen Clannad ????
I played a few routes in the visual novel (let me see... Yukine, Kyou, and Ryou). The Kyou route was really good, to the point where, once I finished it, I felt satisfied and never went back to it again.

I guess some girl named Nagisa is the actual main girl? I honestly don't remember her at all.
Robazoid posted...
I guess some girl named Nagisa is the actual main girl? I honestly don't remember her at all.

Not sure if serious or just making fun of Nagisa for being a boring character.
Congrats to 2020 GotD Guru champ azuarc!
even I've seen Clannad
Clannad, Haruhi, Lucky Star.

I was vehemently against these aesthetics when they were airing.

I was too busy watching manly shows for manly men which definitely were not total dogshit that nobody cared about.
"Can't post in it, guess he blocked me back, so spite successful I suppose. Oh well!"

You can't post in topics from people you have blocked. It is your fault. :p
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
I unblocked him and still couldn't post, so no.

I didn't even know blocking someone meant they can't post in your topic even if they have a link. If he had said anything to anyone at any point I would have moved him back to ignore!
Whelp, what a shame.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Zen zen dame da.
After years and years of being an anime fan, I finally finished my first manga! (I'm reading Dark Gathering and 7th Time Loop too but they're ongoing. I've also finished a four volume one that wasn't very good, it was just so short that it shouldn't really count.)

Engaged to the Unidentified is my favorite anime, and I was always sad it didn't go beyond one season. Since the manga ended, I started reading it... and binged the whole thing in three days. I wasn't sure if the anime's perfection would carry over into print form, but thankfully it did. My only complaint is that the grammar in the scanned translations was dodgy at times, especially early on. Then again, who am I to complain about free translations. The people who did that work and enabled me to read this story are heroes.

This manga was romantic comedy slice-of-life perfection. It's honestly impressive how a story with only twelve actual characters managed to stay so fresh for its entire 187 chapter run. I loved how all the different character combinations had their own running gags, and they kept finding angles to craft new jokes or situations. Kobeni and Hakuya have the most adorable romance ever. Mashiro is the funniest, cutest girl ever. Even Benio's over-the-top siscon antics had me laughing more often than not. As for side characters, my favorite running gag was that Suetsugi kept wandering in at just the right time to witness something embarrassing and then there'd be that hilarious silent reaction panel. It never got old!

I guess another complaint is that it didn't have much of an ending. It just kept on going with the slice-of-life stuff until it just kind of stopped. On the one hand, I'm sad there wasn't some big final arc. On the other hand, I suppose the author is the one in the best position to realize that maybe they should stop before things started going stale. In any case, Engaged to the Unidentified was a wonderful manga.

I'm not sure where I'm going to go from here. I feel like I've already finished the best manga ever. Everything from now on is going to be going downhill.
You should try reading You and I are Polar Opposites. It's an ongoing manga that's not too far in, but I think you'd really enjoy it.
First episode of Konosuba S3 leaked.

I am...not going to watch this? Would just mean having to wait 3 weeks for episode 2 anyways.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
You should try reading You and I are Polar Opposites. It's an ongoing manga that's not too far in, but I think you'd really enjoy it.
I'll look into it! I'm definitely open to recommendations, especially if there are any similar to Engaged to the Unidentified. I still have plenty of manga to work through from my favorite anime too. At a glance, the website I was using has School-Live, Snow White with the Red Hair, Squid Girl, and Flying Witch.
Reminder to anyone watching Konosuba S3 that you really should watch the Legend of Crimson movie first. The movie was just a straight continuation of the show into the next light novel (back when they thought there would never be a S3), and contains key character development.
It's Reyn Time.
SHINE_GET_64 posted...
even I've seen Clannad
I have not.
"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
KamikazePotato posted...
I literally write isekai for a living and that bit still made me irrationally upset
Omg someone drew it
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
I really messed up this contest, but azuarc gave it a Breath of fresh air
Currently watching the VoD of Gigguk going through all the Spring PVs, and he got to the Omegaverse MPreg anime and went down an Urban Dictionary rabbithole because he has no idea what it was.

I am horrified both by this and the fact that I understood literally everything that was happening as it was unraveling before him.
When I looked it up, I only read the overview on Wikipedia which made it sound like just the basic "alpha/beta" nonsense but with a third quadrant, which is dumb but not too bad. Then I read a bit more later and saw it something to do with unrealistic genitals too and, uh... I stopped reading then! I'm just not going to watch that one show.
UshiromiyaEva posted...
I am horrified both by this and the fact that I understood literally everything that was happening as it was unraveling before him.
Spending time on Ao3 makes you pick up lingo even if you'll never go searching for it. ESPECIALLY if you'll never go searching for it...intentionally. The tags system is more helpful than a minesweeper in a warzone.
It's Reyn Time.
Robazoid posted...
I stopped reading then! I'm just not going to watch that one show.
KamikazePotato posted...
Spending time on Ao3 makes you pick up lingo even if you'll never go searching for it. ESPECIALLY if you'll never go searching for it...intentionally. The tags system is more helpful than a minesweeper in a warzone.

My dude I have literally already hit this in the fucking SIGNALIS tag, there's no escaping it , and I read it because nothing can stop me .
I search for something related to my interests. Also sort by Kudos so (theoretically) the best stuff is is at the top.

3000 results.

I take a glance at the first few offerings.

I go back and add a bunch of filters to weed out certain elements.

There are now 250 results.
It's Reyn Time.
KamikazePotato posted...
Also sort by Kudos so (theoretically) the best stuff is is at the top.

As an extensive RWBY fic reader, I can at that this method works OK but becomes less effective the longer a series is relevant.
Almost though the seasonal PV watchalong.

Something that becomes more sad every time I see it is that the more anime CG continues to evolve, the more Polygon Picture stays the same.

There was a time when they were the only CG anyone would give a chance too!
There's been some discussion in the other anime topic about reaching an accord to end the topic split. Granzon will unblock you, which from my understanding means so you can access the topic from a direct link, which can always be found by viewing the board while logged out in incognito mode or something. The deal Granzon proposed is that, in the future, whoever makes the topics should be someone who isn't blocked or blocking people. Meaning SHINE or Mac or me or whoever. That way, once the current Granzon topic is over, you two can go right back to blocking each other (and ignoring each other in the meantime, I don't care about that, just not blocking).

I just want to talk about anime without it being a huge hassle or excluding anyone. I hope we can reach an agreement. I'm about to watch the first new episode of the season and I doubt my thoughts on this angel harem anime are going to be groundbreaking enough to post in two topics.
The idea that the person who has been suspended like a dozen times for insulting people and hateful speech, harassed me for years unprovocated, and proudly announced he cannot wait to see a bunch of artist cry about losing their jobs to AI in the future wants to set terms is extremely hilarious. This entire situation is exclusively of his own making.

But whatever, I've already unblocked everyone who would post in an anime topic yesterday before I even made this topic when I found out blocking was a much more extreme feature than I realized, and if it makes it easier for everyone else that's what matters. He will remain ignored and I have no interest in any actual response he may have other than whether he'll unblock or not.

The only reason I even started making the topic in the first place is we were regularly going several days without anyone making it for a while there whenever a topic filled up.
I think the terms make sense in that, this way, you two can block each other again eventually. Otherwise the terms would need to be never blocking each other or something, which feels more demanding.

In any case, I'll ask Granzon about unblocking you now. Then you'll be able to read my forthcoming thoughts in the other topic. This angel show is chock full of fanservice so far and it's only been five minutes!
Apparently he already has you unignored and unblocked so I guess this should work? If it doesn't then you might need to unignore him too for the duration of one topic.
Guess you gotta unignore them too. I swear it didn't use to be like this.

Guess I'll just have to do things the old fashioned way for now, just gotta make sure someone else entirely makes the topics in the future.
Board 8 » Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 297: The Oxford Dictionary defines Isekai...