Do you like this character? Day 1536: The Undertaker (WWE)

Board 8

I think we value character work very differently for promo skill if you're going to claim he was a bad promo.

I'm not saying Undertaker was an amazing promo and his material was often garbage, but he did what he needed to to bring hype for his character and the match/feud. Like I definitely think it's the type of character that can just devolve into long winded pointless babble ala Bray Wyatt but Undertaker generally didn't do that and would just talk about souls and shit and how the other guy was gonna rest in peace and be on his way. I'm not going to go find Undertaker promos on YouTube to watch but in the context of the show it was effective and never made me want to change the channel.

Like he's nowhere near my favorite but this "he's a bad wrestler and/or a bad promo" stuff is completely alien to me. Not even normal workrate snob smarks think that generally-- this is a very bold proclamation.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!