I rank 300 VGM (2024 edition) [ranking] [the top 25!]

Board 8

Let's get to it then, shall we?


Pork - Boss

Do I need to do a whole ass writeup justifying why this is so high too? No, I dont think I will. Instead Ill talk about how I didnt understand why everyone (specifically ema) was going on about this song in what seemed to be an ironic way. As stated previously, I dont like things ironically, yet I really gravitated toward this song. Was I the only one who appreciated it in this way? Maybe, maybe not. Boss is haunting and otherworldly to me, emblematic of a fractured mental state. I can practically feel my sanity breaking as I listen to this. Id put it in the same tier (or thereabouts) as horror music, except that its more playful. I suspect this is a song that isnt meant to be taken seriously, despite how compelling it is.

Fun Pork fact: it was originally a 9. The deciding factor was I didnt see myself wanting to support it in VGMC at all, so it got dropped. Poor Pork.

Alwa's Legacy - Rose Castle

Ive come back to this one a lot, more than the other 8.5s. This retraux sound is overwhelmingly dense. Its the kind of song you would struggle to replicate on original chiptune hardware. Here RushJet1 works his patented retraux magic and creates an entire fucking world out of these beeps and boops. There is so much raw emotion packed in here its unreal. Those drums in the chorus are magical.

This isnt a 9 because I like virtually everything directly above more (numbering is off because Ive added songs to the sheet since the start of the ranking). So thats

785. Planet Dob - Sometimes I Breathe
786. Wario Land 4 - Hurry Up!
787. Streets of Rage 3 - The Poets II
788. 30XX - Millennium Spark (Firestorm BT MIX)
789. Genshin Impact - No Turning Back
790. Monument Valley 2 - Interwoven Stories
791. Donkey Kong Country 3 - Cascade Capers

Seems about right. Still, great placement for Rose Castle; one of my favorite finds.

Heaven Burns Red - Tower of Memories

Hello songs that start out like ringtones. Last 8.5! Theres so much to love here. I keep using the term dense to describe some of these songs (probably incorrectly), but theres just so much sound packed into each second. Even the parts with less sound, the comparative silence is dense. Theres very little melody here, its all sounds and moments like crunchy drums and heavenly bells and swirling wind effects. Is this the only Heaven Burns Red song Ive heard that doesnt have vocals? It might be.

Tower of Memories is four songs away from a 9! Heres whats directly above it:

779. Mega Man 4 - Dr. Cossack Stage 2 [lowest 9]
780. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Ripple Star Catacombs
781. Shinsekai: Into the Depths - Coral Reef Mesopelagic
782. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Opening Demo


ELIMINATION 19/59: failgirlema
Average rating; 7.5
Average ranking: 2418
Your lucky song: Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Beyond the Bounds

Thank you for nominating!