Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Trump (4-1)

Board 8


To me this is every bit as good as 3-1.

You could say the greatest weakness of this case is that the rest of the game fails spectacularly to follow up on its set up. Kristoph's motivation makes no sense since Zak couldn't have implicated him about anything, nothing Zak does at any point is the least bit sane, and Phoenix's characterization here goes out the window almost immediately. But I truly do not hold it against this case because if the rest of the story held up these things didn't need to be true.

Olga was a great example of a non-guilty witness who actually had every reason to lie. The first usage of Perceive might be the only time I truly like it, particularly in AJ where they confine it to trials and not investigations. Your assistant being the murderer might be the biggest twist to the meta they've ever done. Revealing that Phoenix actually did manipulate this crime scene culminating in Apollo punching him after the trial is such a great finish.

Shame about the rest of the game though.
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