Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Karo - A group of space aliens that coincidentally look exactly like circus clowns invade a small town in their big top tent spaceship and kill people with pies and popcorn and oh come the fuck on.

The acting is so terrible it might have been on purpose, but I suspect it is more that nobody involved with this really gave a shit (except for the sculptor of the masks, he seems like he is having a lot of fun).

The klowns themselves seem to lack a lot of purpose and are woefully inconstant, hey guys lets capture this one person for no reason when we're killing literally everyone else just because she's the female lead! Lets spend more time trolling people than actually harvesting the warm bodies you traveled all the way to this planet to acquire.

While amusing at the start it doesn't last, as the movie's one joke gets run into the ground past the point of physical pain. It is a film that is krappy, korny and kompletly lacking of any real komedy and this three ring circus can't end quick enough.

Snake - Despite my low ranking here, I actually think this film is absurdly fun, more so than it has any right being. I used to write this film off as dumb and terrible long before actually sitting down to watch it, and I was so glad to be proven wrong. Well, its still dumb, but a film filled with this much creativity and devotion to its premise cannot be terrible! I love all the ridiculous clown weapons, the shallow but relatable and likable protagonists, and its cheesy slap-stick jokes. John Vernon chewing the scenery especially is one of the films biggest delights. While it may not be mistaken for a deep artistic piece, who says it has to be?

Bitto - Rating: D-

Well...I don't know what I expected from a movie called "Killer Klowns from Outer Space." That's definitely what the movie was about. There's an interesting angle to take it where the bizarre world and nature of clowns are literally alien that they touch on a little bit. I love the design of the circus tent/spaceship. But it feels like these clowns are so....mundane in how they do things. I want weird things coming from aliens! Things that would feel unnatural! But these are just...clowns doing clown things, but also they're murderous.

If Mooney was just completely removed from this movie, this would probably jump up 5 ranks. Holy shit, what an awful character. Even his death is underwhelming and oddly tries to paint him in a heroic light? Even though he almost certainly killed two people by locking up the clown with them? I don't really love the ice cream brothers either.

Evilordexdeath - It's a B movie, you're supposed to laugh at how stupid it is. There are evil aliens who look like clowns killing everyone. Sure. They shoot popcorn and cotton candy at people and track them with a balloon dog. Alright. The first victim is a redneck who calls his dog Pooh Bear which reminded me of a review of A.A. Milne's book by one Paul Bryant I read on Goodreads the other day:

Winnie-the-Pooh, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Win-knee-the-Pooh: the tip of
the lip taking a trip of three steps down the palate to return at four to kiss : Pooh. He was Pooh,
plain Pooh, in the morning, standing eighteen inches in one sock. He was that scruffy old bear
at school. He was Mr Winnie Pooh on the dotted line. But in my arms he was always Bear.

That was the most amusement I got out of the movie. If it had ended with a three-way sex scene between the girl, her cop ex, and her new bf, I wouldve rated it at least 10 places higher.

Plasmabeam - Absolutely not for me. There are some cool camera techniques at play, but the story is too goofy and the humor is too flat.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me