Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

To go back to earlier discussion, when I talk about Artsy movies with disdain, it has always been in terms of movies that feel like the director cared more about making something that showcases them as a filmmaker or an auteur, than creating something fun and entertaining for the audience to enjoy. This isnt to say that a movie cant be both entertaining AND artsy (Id argue that my top two from the 2010s horror list are both), and in fact that often elevates a film above something like a Childs Play or a Killer Klowns, but there are a lot of films on this list that feel like theyre just trying to smell their own farts in an extremely unenjoyable fashion.

Mentioning John Carpenter is actually perfect for this, because we have multiple Carpenter movies on this list, and one has already been eliminated, while others have not. And it stands out that Prince of Darkness, the Carpenter movie where hes trying to make some philosophical plot about science and religion and the devil while forgoing quality plot and character writing, is the one we collectively liked the least.
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