Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Since it's tangentially relevant to this topic, anyone else here know of 1984's "The Devil's Gift"? It's a movie that can be watched free on YT. Basically a rip-off of Stephen King's short story "The Monkey", about a demonic cymbal-banging monkey toy that kills a living thing every time it claps its cymbals. Best known for having footage from it stitched into the director's only other film, 1996's "Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders" starring Ernest Borgnine. That movie was eventually featured on MST3K only three years after its release.

Needless to say, I was so caught off-guard by how, uh, "scary" it was for something clearly meant to be whimsical (it was meant to be a horror movie but then retooled into a family film due to meddlesome executives) when I saw the MST3K episode I checked out the original movie myself. What a thing.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?