Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Blaziken posted...
Jesus absolute Christ you guys.

I'm a big fan of the movie (though I've only seen it once and don't feel particularly compelled to revisit it) but many of those complaints were levelled at the movie right from the get-go. There's a reason Leonard Maltin had a cameo in the sequel where he read his actual (negative) review of the movie, though it also helped Dante and Maltin were good friends.

Never seen The Dead Zone, might have been better if The Fog was there but I guess didn't want four John Carpenter movies here? I know Christopher Walken is primarily associated with memes but it is primarily serious roles (or at least roles in movies that aren't comedies) that come to mind, e.g. Batman Returns, Pulp Fiction, Catch Me if You Can, heck even Dune Part 2 recently. Then again I wasn't even aware of a lot of these movie guys growing up, e.g. not even having heard of Pulp Fiction until 2013.

Speaking of which, not terribly relevant to this topic, but I do not like Batman Returns (wouldn't say it's a bad movie though) or Walken's character in the movie. Now, it's not because Walken's character is a caricature of Trump - if anything that's the one aspect that does work because it was dead on about the kind of person Trump is (apologies for going political) - but because his character is there just to tie Catwoman and The Penguin together and if anything he's emblematic of the problems I have with the movie. The whole thing just feels too disjointed, like Burton or writer Daniel "Hudson Hawk" Waters just came up with ideas for scenes and they struggled to put them together in a coherent fashion. HOWEVER, it's certainly memorable.
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?