Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Im sorry, but Im just fucking MAD at this point. I GET people not liking Gremlins, because everyone has different tastesbut it just feels like casually popular movies are held to SO much higher of a standard by this group of rankers, and it sucks to see movie after movie after movie that was actually FUN to watch get picked off while the more pretentious films on the list get to just step over that EXTREMELY low bar.

Like, as a collective, our group decided Basket Case is the worst movie on this list. Its a movie that is visually grimy and gross, the imagery in it is nauseating and disgusting, the audio is a non-stop assault of horrific noise, and the acting is godawful. Its a movie that rightfully deserves to be panned.

But then, you have Tetsuo. And while it still only placed 23rd, thats a full seven spots higher; and FOUR people ranked it as the seventh best film or better on this. Everything bad about Basket Case is repeated in Tetsuo. Bad visuals, disgusting imagery, painful audio, bad acting, and hell, off-putting rape scenes. Yet there is MASSIVE swings between the two movies (16 placements for Evil, 18 for Rockus, 22 for you, Johnbobb, and a massive 24 for Seginusand to be fair, its weird to see a 16 point swing in the other direction for Bitto). To me, that makes it seem like one movie is a sleazy, low-budget monster/slasher film and is judged accordingly, while the other is a black and white movie with subtitles and metaphors and is given a LOT more leeway in terms of its actual quality. And then I look at whats left and its likemy least favorite movies left feel like theyre being cut a LOT more slack than they deserve.
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