Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

I mean I didnt like Tetsuo and only put it one space above Basket Case, but there is a difference in the level of craft there. And among the general populace and critics Tetsuo is the better regarded film.

When I look at the films remaining, its a good mix. There are going to be plenty of fun films in the top ten. Like three max will be art films, unless we count The Shining which was auteur-led but also very commercial. All are well received, at least as well as movies like Gremlins. Im not really seeing the art film bias and I ranked them across the scale from near the top to near the bottom. Two are in my top ten, one in the middle, two in my bottom ten. Thats the same range as every other film. I mean its not like Gremlins did badly too, 13 is a pretty good ranking on a strong list. I was the second highest ranker of Gremlins!

I also forgot that one of the remaining artsy films hadnt dropped yet - there is one left that I dont think is great but its alright.
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Blaaaaaaargh azuarc