Rank the Tracks 160: Knower - Knower Forever

Board 8

  1. I'm the President
  2. Do Hot Girls Like Chords?
  3. Real Nice Moment
  4. Nightmare
  5. The Abyss
  6. It Will Get Real
  7. Ride That Dolphin
  8. It's All Nothing Until It's Everything
  9. Crash the Car
  10. Same Smile, Different Face
  11. Knower Forever

KNOWER FOREVER is a pretty significant departure from their previous electropop/glitch pop style with a major focus on more orchestral sounds paired with funk and a heavy emphasis on crazy solos. Oftentimes a departure like this for an artist leads to a weak entry in a style that's outside of their comfort zone. In KNOWER's case, they created the best album they've made to date. Every track is engaging, the solos are wild, the production is top-notch, and the sheer technical prowess on display is admirable (Louis Cole's drum-playing is out of this world). The only thing that keeps me from rating it higher is that Genevieve Artadi doesn't exactly have my favorite voice out there, but I guess it works well enough to not detract from the overall experience too much. Great album all in all.
Don't trust everything that you read on the Internet.
-Abraham Lincoln