What four contest matches are on the Contest Upsets Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

Cloud > Link
Knuckles > Magus
Starcraft > Halo
Vivi > Mario > Ganondorf

A contender for the most important match ever, the staple "LOL X-stats" match and the start of one of the craziest runs ever. I put Vivi in the last slot mostly for how absolutely inexplicable it was. Draven and all the Pokemon nonsense in that year are easy to explain, most other times a non-NNer beat a NNer are also fairly easy to explain (at least in retrospect). Vivi isn't. Vivi fucking beat Mario. This was in no discussion before the match happened. That was nuts.

There are a bunch of matches that can go on this but I like this for now. The main HM I want to give is really any of L-Block's matches from 2007, particular the final and the Snake/Sonic/Squall match that was the first time it got first.
Born to lose, live to win!