Rumorzone: FF7 Rebirth selling half as well as Remake

Board 8

mnk posted...

For me it's because I want to know I'll actually have a way of finishing the trilogy before I start. Right now I could play Remake on PS4 or Steam Deck, but I'm not buying a PS5. Even if Rebirth works well enough on Deck (sounds doubtful?), Part 3 certainly won't. So I need to wait for Part 3 to come out and see if there will even be a way for me to play it (Deck 2? Switch 2 trilogy ports?). Only then will I start on Remake.

Makes sense to me, yeah. And when you factor in how unpopular the PS5 is in Japan beyond its apparent role as a F2P gaming machine (which is so weird to me but whatever) there's a lot for Rebirth to stand up against even before we get into all the other reasons it's not selling like hotcakes.

I said this to someone rather in-the-know on Era, but like, Rebirth will be fine in the end. In his own words, "too big to fail" applies here. Aggressive promotions, ports wherever possible, the whole nine yards. It'll almost certainly never get where they had hoped, but it'll get a lot closer over time, even with the "weaker tail than Remake" it's currently suffering.

Too much cash is riding on Part 3 not being an actual disaster, which is possible right now if the numbers don't pick up somewhat, IMO. Just as importantly perhaps, too many resources are already being poured into Part 3! This is a big, highly capable, team that will mostly be tied up on this project for another several years.
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