Rumorzone: FF7 Rebirth selling half as well as Remake

Board 8

Yeah it's pretty poor, even compared to something like God of War (or FromSoft's games), never mind the likes of Bayonetta or Devil May Cry. There isn't much encouragement to engage with what (limited) depth it offers either: in the vast majority of fights you can just spam the same routine of cooldowns over and over again to win efficiently (ok, someone's going to say "you can do this in God of War too!" - and I mean, you could , but most players won't because there's clear inefficiencies to doing so; choosing between range/melee or quick-but-weak/slow-but-strong techniques etc. is natural in different scenarios). I think the only set of moves I found had any real dynamism were Garuda's.

I didn't hate FFXVI. But it produced no reaction in me at all (other than maybe a bit of astonishment at how they wrote Jill), I just went through the motions, beat it, and moved on. I can't really imagine many thinking about it constantly like I did with the classic FFs and Rebirth.
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