Rumorzone: FF7 Rebirth selling half as well as Remake

Board 8

BK_Sheikah00 posted...
Remake also I feel did a good job of setting up the lulls in the main story so that doing sidequests makes sense at that point in time. Like this is the chapter where the story is Tifa has to do errands or you're hanging out with Aerith for a day. In Rebirth, Barret is like "let's go south, far away from Corel"... But a green marker just popped in North Corel... And it heavily involves Barret. So it feels weird to interrupt the msq to go do that side quest.

Basically there is almost never a point in the story where it makes sense that the gang is taking the time to help people out.
This has never mattered to me in any game. I don't care if the planet's going to be destroyed in 5 minutes. Let me spend 10 hours racing chocobos.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.