Rumorzone: FF7 Rebirth selling half as well as Remake

Board 8

I dont see whats yikes about an opinion on a villain in a video game! Or what other yikes takes there might be!

Yeah theres no denying the importance and influence of Sephiroth at the time, Ive heard from casuals who only know FFVII as the one with Sephiroth in it. Yet he was very much a product of what was cool in the 90s and was built around a particular moment in time. And now there are a lot of people looking at him and not appreciating him the same way. This is absolutely possible to synthesise with his popularity at the time. I played FFVII in 2006 and Sephiroth came off as very of his time back then, let alone now.

As for XIV its more akin to playing a series of games with their own beginning, middles, and ends. If you played ARR, you would hit credits in about 40 hours. Thats a Final Fantasy game! You would just then do it eight more times to catch up lol. But youre getting a full game each time.

I do agree with you in general though, it is a lot to get current, and something XIV will have to deal with if it wants to stay relevant. This is actually something that I think WoW has had huge success with lately, actually getting people into the new content more easily (you can apparently get to new content from scratch in 10 hours), and as a result theyve seen their best subscriber numbers in nearly a decade and people are actually happy about WoW again. Not a sentence I ever thought Id write!
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc