Rumorzone: FF7 Rebirth selling half as well as Remake

Board 8

I mean the fact nobody ever talks about is that in Japan in particular, FF has been on a linear trend down since X and really since VII, the only exception being X outselling IX. Worldwide its been more uneven though the general direction of travel is obvious. When it has gone up outside of Japan (ie XV) its down to expanding onto new platforms. Now, even limiting it to Playstation Remake was still down on XV so its not everything. But it helps. When VII came out Playstation was two thirds of the market. Now its what, a fifth or a sixth? And thats not even counting mobile.

pjbasis posted...
Maybe they should have catered to newbies and just played the story straight hmm?

Like instead of worrying that all of gamefaqs knows the twist

I mean lets be real here, if they had played it totally the same over three games interest absolutely would have been lost. With the way it currently is they had coverage in places like the New York Times and the BBC about the game wondering if the big moment would change. You cant ask for better exposure than that.

I dont think the content of the games really matters at all to this, the trend has been far too linear and predictable. It really is just a matter of Final Fantasy only appealing to a shrinking demographic on a shrinking portion of the gaming audience.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc