Fandom bans politics on GameFAQs (outside of Current Events)

Board 8

Yesmar_ posted...

WOT is still around?! This is now in the running for most shocking thing I've head all day.
In case this gets deleted, I respect how it went for the jugular:

There is an announcement on CE that all political discussion is banned outside of CE. What about WOT, which has always been about politics?
I'm not sure how the Religion or Paranormal/Conspiracy boards will survive either, since politics is a major source of both.

Also, we need clarification on what politics encompasses. Does it include:
--Police brutality, judicial reform, etc.
--Criminal cases (e.g. the latest mass shooting)
--Getting single-payer healthcare
--Anti-vaccination conspiracies
--Moon landing was faked conspiracies (since the conspiracy claims that the US government did it)
--Movies with political messages
--LGBTQ rights issues
--Discussion about going to the voting centers/mailing in one's votes
--The glass ceiling, intersectionality, etc.
--Climate change and everything related to it, such as invasive species, weather, hurricanes/wildfires, etc.
--Current natural and manmade disasters, as these always involve government responses
--Bills being mulled by Congress that could affect gaming
--Censorship-crazy countries like China banning X game for Y reason
--Some asshole politician/group/shitty NYT or WaPo op-ed blaming mass shootings on videogames

Which of the above are banned?
It's Reyn Time.