Fandom bans politics on GameFAQs (outside of Current Events)

Board 8

TimmyQuivy posted... I understand a sticking point is that we have a forum thread for feedback for changes weve made and will not be revisiting. I will take responsibility for not explicitly framing our intentions in that initial announcement for the feedback thread - the thread is to allow a place to, yes, voice your frustration, as well as ask clarifying questions and remove ambiguity where possible.

The question was asked how the CE change makes the community safer specifically. There are, unfortunately, individual direct threats and doxxing weve seen throughout our time overseeing this site. Those inevitably have a direct line to a political conversation that becomes heated. But safety is also about creating a safe environment broadly - Even if not directly attacked, there are members of this community who may feel generally unsafe witnessing some of the broad, negative, and/or generalistic statements that have been posted here. Also, if a new user comes to the site and sees vitriolic, out of control conversations, they are likely to leave and go elsewhere.

As the owner of this site, we view fostering a safe and reasonably welcoming environment as a critical priority. We viewed the decision we came to after internal discussion as the most reasonable compromise - addressing some long-standing concerns that were raised to us in a way that still creates an area for discussion users have requested. I understand that by its nature compromise doesnt make anyone 100% happy. To be upset by this decision is still understandable. My responses have been simply to add context and clarification for the record. I do not fault anyone with an opposing viewpoint to our decision.

lol. lmao
New name, new gender, same great Bolo flavor!
She is messy, but she's kind; she is lonely, most of the time