Fandom bans politics on GameFAQs (outside of Current Events)

Board 8

Wanglicious posted...
news is politics, politics is banned, news isn't, so ???.

Yeah, this is a lot of the problem. We can talk about red-orange as long as we don't talk about orange-red, right. Can't talk about war, but we can make Minecraft analogies about who's dropping Creepers on servers. They banned political talk yet didn't plan for this enough to remove the Politics flair.

(please don't remove the Politics flair)

Politics is banned on a HISTORIC day for politics, mind you -- Donald Trump's court case began that day as publicly scheduled, which can be interpreted as its own political action by Fandom -- and we can't talk about that?

Even when you have examples and clarify where you can regarding rules, like...its roll-out seemed unplanned, politically timed, confusing, and unwanted.
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