Fandom bans politics on GameFAQs (outside of Current Events)

Board 8

Wanglicious posted...
mean it still runs the issue that the news is politics, politics is banned, news isn't, so ???.

like this isn't even a hypothetical with something as basic as poll of the day - internet privacy is highly political, we had a poll on it in January earlier this year, and it's blatantly because of the Google court case with a 5 billion dollar settlement.

it took the news then asked a political question - internet privacy - with multiple different answers.

there's no guideline or explanation whatsoever on how news can be covered really. intentionally broad sure but still really dumb at best, an asshole move at worst.
the answer was basically "news was allowed but dont venture into politics" but it mostly circles back to "news is not allowed" since you pretty much cant discuss it in the slightest.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.