What are some of your favorite Smogon entries/write-ups?

Board 8

Third gen Unown's overview entry:

Castform 5th gen, the entire thing is great, but the third paragraph alone is fantastic:

4th Gen Kakuna for this line:
This is your standard Choice sweeper. With Bug Bite, Kakuna is not walled by the likes of Steelix and Steel-type Arceus. As a matter of fact, Bug Bite's addition lowers max HP / max Def Steelix from a 94HKO to a 36HKO. Max HP Steel-type Arceus is now a 25HKO, while min HP/Def Psychic Arceus is a 22HKO.

And finally, the glory of 5th Gen Palkia:
Okay, I rolled a 14. What's that mean? Hsu
That you're a cheater. This is a 12-sided die. Chan