Pokemon of the Year R1D37 ft. Alakazam, Deoxys, Latias, Poliwhirl [PotY]

Board 8

+3 Alakazam
+2 Golett
+1 Deoxys
-1 Whismur
-2 Grubbin
-3 Pidgeotto

Deoxys would be higher if it wasn't so rare. Feels a little weird putting Pidgeotto so low because ANIME, but I hate the middle stage Pokemon that just looks like a bigger first stage/smaller final stage Pokemon ...

+3 Torterra
+2 Impidimp
+1 Thundurus
-1 Zarude
-2 Poliwhirl
-3 Panpour

Oh look at that .... speaking of middle stage evolutions I don't like .......