Pokemon of the Year R1D37 ft. Alakazam, Deoxys, Latias, Poliwhirl [PotY]

Board 8

+3 Deoxys
+2 Alakazam
+1 Clauncher
-1 Pidgeotto
-2 Floette
-3 Budew

okay i've called divisions fucked, but this is FUCKED. not being able to give points to dusclops, clauncher, and golett is FUCKED!!! but Deoxys (specifically Defense) is my 4th fav mon and my namesake [note: not this gfaqs username lmao] and is there with Alakazam and a crustacean (i love crustaceans) so that's. just a stacked positive side. and then i have to give a negative to Pidgeotto that's so not okay i'm not okay

+3 Thundurus
+2 Latias
+1 Torterra
-1 Togepi
-2 Panpour
-3 Impidimp

i know people hate the genies but thundy-therian is actually great